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Orientbell Tiles Files Patent For Anti – Static Conductive Tiles

BY Realty Plus

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Orientbell Tiles has filed a patent for Anti- Static conductive tiles. These tiles conduct any static electricity generated to the ground preventing potentially dangerous electric sparks.  Electric charges build up when any two surfaces, like shoes and floor or clothes and body, rub against each other. These tiles dissipate and conduct the charges away from the point of generation grounding them. Anti-Static conductive tiles are used not only at data centres, but also at petrochemical factories, MRI rooms, Operation Theatres, explosive factories or any other factory where an electric spark can trigger harm. These tiles prevent minor shocks, avoid malfunctioning of sensitive semiconductor based electronic equipment and safeguard the loss of data. Furthermore, being vitrified tiles, these tiles are durable, long lasting, stain free and odour free unlike vinyl flooring solutions.  Anti-Static tiles of Orient Bell have a surface electrical resistivity in the range of 10^4 to 10^6 ohm/square. With the help of a copper connecting wire and conductive grouting between the edges, the electrostatic charges are grounded to the earth.  

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Tags : ALLIED Orientbell Tiles Files Patent Anti – Static Conductive Tiles