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Architect Yann Andre Leroy's design work spans continents, including Europe, Asia, and the US. Recounting his foray in Indi- an subcontinent Yann Andre Leroy, Design Director, AXS, said, “A decade ago, I embarked on a project with the Hotel Sofitel in Mumbai, collaborating with the talented local design firm Access Architects. Our partnership flourished, leading to various successful endeavours throughout the city. The unexpected slowdown during COVID provided us with an opportunity to deepen our collaboration and estab- lish a joint venture in Mumbai, which has been incredibly rewarding.”

Elaborating on the potential he recognizes within India, specifically in the realms of design and archi- tectural structuring, Yann Andre Leroy said, “Undoubtedly, residential markets are key, and designing homes differs greatly from city to city what works in Mumbai may not in New York. As an outsider, I challenge builders to innovate, breaking from the mundane sea of grey and beige to build homes that evoke joy for decades. Encouraging the use of vibrant colours isn't just about aesthetics; it's about crafting a space where families can thrive and enjoy life beyond just financial gains. After all, a home should pro- vide emotional returns too, not just a good investment.”

In addressing the most signif- icant challenges he faced while working in India, Yann Andre Leroy shared, “Adjusting to Mumbai's cha- otic pace after New York's timely rhythm was a true eye-opener. It felt like a jolt initially, since timeliness back there meant being on the dot for even doctor's appointments. Yet, over time, I discerned a unique rhythm to the local way of life.”


There's a common perception that embracing sustainability and wellness means sacrificing luxury and comfort. Yann Andre Leroy offered his view, “India's hospitality industry has immense growth potential, yet it must balance this with the ecological advantages of preserving natural landscapes. While technology plays a crucial role, it should not overpower the essential elements of a hospita- ble environment and outstanding service; moreover, securing sustain- able materials presents a notable challenge. Opting for locally-sourced materials is an effective step towards a more sustainable lifestyle and fos- tering community well-being.”

Discussing the cultivation of a synergistic relationship between us- ers and their constructed surround- ings, Yann Andre Leroy said, “Poorly designed architecture is immediately apparent and often leads to dissatisfaction and disuse, as evident in the demolition of many social housing blocks across Europe. Architects play a critical role in urban well-being, obligated to promote social respon- sibility within their designs, ensuring accessibility and improvement for all. Even the most ruthless develop- ers seek satisfaction in their work, aspiring to quality outcomes. Regardless of financial gain, a well-exe- cuted project remains their preferred achievement.”


“Architects are responsible for designing buildings and creat- ing the necessary plans for their construction. We do not engage in the physical building process, as our role concludes with design and documentation. My dedica- tion to architecture manifests in the thrill of addressing intricate design challenges and optimizing them into their finest forms, which brings a deep sense of fulfilment. I find hospital development quite engaging and fulfilling. However, I will always avoid prison construc- tion. I aspire to design an exquisite resort in a remarkable locale, such as the Himalayas, though Goa also presents an appealing alternative,” stated Yann Andre Leroy.

Imparting a singular piece of advice to the young architects and designers of the world, Yann Andre Leroy stated, “Continuously pursue the acquisition of new skills, yet ensure proficiency in foundational techniques. Embrace every oppor- tunity to learn, but never neglect the essential basics of sketching and computing, for they lay the groundwork for excellence. Also, success is an evolving target that keeps changing with time.”

“My approach to design is anchored in the art of narrative to foster an essence of simplicity. As the Earth's dimensions remain constant, while human consumption grows, we must redefine luxury and progress to align with environmental constraints.” Yann Andre Leroy, Design Director, AXS.

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