

Website to Help Ukrainian Refugees Find Free Housing

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Avi Schiffmann the Harvard University freshman and computer whiz and fellow coding expert Marco Burstein have launched Ukraine Take Shelter, where refugees from the war can immediately find hosts with accommodations of all sorts, many accepting family pets.

"We've got everything from an extra couch someone might have to a spacious barn that could fit three families to an entire university with extra dorms," says Schiffmann. "Anything really." Most are in European countries but listings span the globe, the pair say. "It's like a public bulletin," Schiffmann says, "like a slimmed-down version of Airbnb, focused on Ukrainian refugees."

There were more than 25,000 active host listings on the website and volunteers have translated it into over a dozen languages. "It's incredible," says Burstein, "to see how many people are willing to help and willing to contribute."

While the pair say they don't have exact figures on how many refugees have found housing, because people don't have to sign up to use the website's services, they estimate they've helped hundreds, possibly even thousands — deduced from the number of listings that hosts have removed once spaces have apparently been filled.

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Tags : Website Help. Ukrainian Refugees. Free Housing Avi Schiffmann Marco Burstein Ukraine Take Shelter