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BY Realty Plus

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Traditionally, the real estate sector experiences a surge in sales during the October-December quarter, owing to the increase in discretionary spending by consumers during the festive season. This seasonal uplift typically sets the tone for a robust performance in the subsequent January-March quarter as well. This year is no exception; the outlook remains promising, particularly in light of the Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) decision to maintain the repo rate at 6.5%. This move allows banks to offer attractive incentives, thereby stimulating property purchases during the festive period.

Given the existing high demand for residential real estate, the current economic climate is highly conducive to the continued growth of the Indian property market. To capitalize on this opportunity and further stimulate buyer interest, several real estate developers have already unveiled a variety of compelling offers. These include not only interest subsidies and cash-back deals but also unique value-adds like gold and other consumer goods.

At Housing.com, we too are actively preparing for our annual festive extravaganza, Home Utsav. We are confident that this event will see a marked increase in visitor engagement. This optimism is fuelled by the wide range of attractive offers from developers, which are likely to convert potential homebuyers.

Additionally, broader market trends such as the growing emphasis on homeownership, the acceptance of hybrid work models, and heightened focus on safety and security, all contribute towards reinforcing our positive outlook on residential real estate.

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Tags : Dhruv Agarwala Housing.com Proptiger.com Makaan.com Festive Season Reserve Bank of India's RBI attractive incentives homeownership hybrid work models