Suraksha Smart City has announced the launch of new Lottery under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY), offering economical housing options designed to meet the needs of eligible beneficiaries. A key highlight of this launch is the pricing of 1BHK units at an effective price of Rs. 19,99,999, after availing a direct government subsidy of Rs. 2.50 lakh. These limited units under PMAY will be available on a first-come, first-served basis, and eligible beneficiaries can apply through a lottery process.
Along with the direct government subsidy, units offer significant financial benefits, including stamp duty of just Rs. 1000/-* for eligible beneficiaries with annual household income up to Rs 6 lakh. Suraksha Smart City also offers access to over 100 impressive amenities such as a Forest Themed Garden, Multipurpose Turf, Kids Play Area, Yoga Space, and Butterfly Garden. The launch of these new lottery underscores Suraksha Smart City’s commitment to affordability, quality, and sustainability. The project employs Precast Construction Technology, ensuring quality homes with faster construction timelines.
Suraksha Smart City is strategically located near Vasai Railway Station, ensuring excellent connectivity across the region and easy access to city life. The township's connectivity and pricing make it a desirable choice for many, especially daily commuters traveling to and from Dahanu, Vapi, Valsad, Umargaon, and Silvasa to Mumbai.
Driven by substantial improvements in infrastructure, enhanced connectivity, and a wealth of social amenities, Vasai has become a booming residential and commercial hub within the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR). This rapid transformation has made Vasai a symbol of opportunity, offering easy access to Mumbai, esteemed educational institutions, colleges, and thriving industries, all contributing to a better quality of life.
Residents of Suraksha Smart City will benefit from the township's prime location near Vasai Road Station (E), ensuring easy access to Mumbai and other key areas. Connectivity is further enhanced by regular services from Vasai-Virar Municipal Transport (VVMT), Thane Municipal Transport (TMT), and State Transport (ST). Ongoing infrastructure projects like the proposed Virar-Alibag corridor and the Bhayander-Vasai Sea Link, are set to significantly improve connectivity and reduce travel time. This overall development makes Suraksha Smart City in Vasai an ideal choice for those seeking a balanced lifestyle, affordable housing, and convenient proximity to their workplaces and Mumbai.