- Reliable water supply of good quality(use proven technology and hardware)
- Reliable and environmentally sustainable power supply of good quality (economic mix of solar and other renewables)
- Cleanliness, sanitation, waste collection system and waste treatment with ‘appropriate technology’.
- Efficient, environmentally sustainable urban mobility and public transport (greater use of electric power)
- Safety and security infrastructure for public that is responsive
- Monitoring for functioning of the infrastructure and services
- Management structure and command system for action, accountability, reward and punishment
- Citizen participation and grievance redress system
- Health and sanitation system
- Rules and laws and enforcement of the same.
- Road Design: Create smart roads. Design to avoid frequent digging of the roads. Provide corridors under the road at frequent intervals to install piping, cables or any other item crossing the road in future. Provide sidewalk for the pedestrians. To avoid digging on the pedestrian sidewalk, provide strip of soft soil with grass top, outside the side walk. Also improve road specification and construction specification to provide durable roads.
- Improvement on Construction Contract: Digging for laying of cables/pipe is done promptly by contractor, keeping in that state for prolonged time. Contractual terms should include refilling of dug area within weeks and returning it to the original state, before any further payment. Similarly, removal of debris at the end of any work like road or pipe/cable laying should be given high weightage for final payment.
- Drainage: Flooding during rains is perpetual problem making our cities very un-smart. Drainage system should be sized keeping possible future expansion in mind. Any expansion should not be approved without ensuring drainage system vetted by a credible third party. Any addition of buildings over originally approved plan should be allowed after vetting adequacy of drainage, roads and other infrastructure. Ensure drainage flows to a treatment plant and beyond.
- Construction Material on Roads: Private and public construction material like sand, cement etc. occupy road and sidewalk space. This should be avoided and made punishable by law.
- Smart Asset Management System: Install smart system for asset tracking. This includes assigning unique id for each asset (e.g. pumps, tanks, lifts etc.), maintain attributes like model, make, date of purchase, expected life span, purchase cost, warranty period, capture details of every service done on the asset, AMC records, preventive maintenance etc. This should be transparent and visible.
- Smart Water Supply: Provide for piped (or tanker) water supply. Each building should have quality measurement facilities. Log in all tanker supplies, vendor name, quantity and quality of water, piped water quantity and quality daily basis, tank storage levels at all buildings.
- Waste Collection and Disposal: design and install at the very beginning system for collection of waste, segregation at source and collection by municipal authorities.Rain-water harvesting should be made must for all building complexes.
- Design for Environmental Sustainability: Rooftop solar on apartment blocks should be made mandatory for all new housing complexes and office buildings. The directional layout of the buildings should be such that at least one side of the apartments get adequate sun suitable for solar installation. Provide sloping cantilever projections for solar panels. Provide horizontal projections for Split AC compressors.
- Smart Security Systems: Camera, monitor and alarm systems with press button for direct alarm to police in emergency.

- Smart buildings: The buildings must have light and hollow structure to have good insulation to combat temperature variation with minimum air-conditioning. The insulation boards manufactured from waste material such as paddy shell, husks, agricultural waste should be used which otherwise used as fuel in rural area aggravating air pollution and carbon emission. Buildings must be well spread out with at least 40-50% of cumulative floor area reserved for greens. Entire roof and most part of the exposed walls must be preserved for solar panel, transparent solar panels in windows and mini grid to be created interconnected with regional grid.
- Smart traffic planning:The rural population influx needs to be taken into account and measures to control the same should be implemented. Strict traffic discipline and adequate &fast public transport grid are the need of the hour. Offering concession on taxes to electric cars will help reduce air pollution. Also, digital traffic monitoring and scanning, online penal action and road tax payment including vehicle insurance payment can go a long way in felicitating the Smart city planning.
- Power management: Besides creating mini grid of solar power, the power distribution and control system requires massive up-gradation from substation, transformer, and HV, MV and LV power lines. All power operated household and consumer’s durables must be power efficient by statutory regulations.
- Smart water management:An online grid managing system for water distribution system can monitor water levels, leakages and subsequent repairs to ensure uninterrupted water supply. Rain water harvesting must be a statutory requirement as also the treatment of drainage water before disposal in seas.
- Waste management:The garbage disposal must be modernized such as home-collection in separate disposable bags, transportation by specific purpose vehicle, thereafter mechanical segregation, recycle and power generation.